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Please refer to the "common questions in pregnancy" information below before calling the doctor or going to the hospital.

Office Phone Number: 615-822-3880

After hours number for emergency calls: 615-822-3880

When to call the doctor:

  • If you are having pre-term contractions that are not resolving with rest and water, call for further instruction.

  • If you have bleeding, which is bright red and is as heavy as a period, call for further instruction.


     It is not necessary to call the doctor if you:


  • Lose your mucous plug. The mucous plug usually presents as a thick mucous discharge and is not an indication of labor.

  • Notice spotting after intercourse. Spotting is common in pregnancy, especially following intercourse.

  • Are going to the hospital. Once you arrive and are evaluated by the staff, the doctor will be notified.

When to go to the hospital:


You should come to the hospital if you:

  • Notice regular, painful contractions occurring every 2-5 minutes for longer than 2 hours.

  • If your water breaks, regardless of other symptoms.

  • Have vaginal bleeding as heavy as a period.

  • Absent/Minimal fetal movement after 28 weeks

Common questions in Pregnancy:


What medications can I take when I am pregnant?

  • Headache/Migraine: All Tylenol products are allowed, including extra strength. Avoid Motrin products and any products containing aspirin. Follow the directions on the Tylenol box for dosing. Be sure you are drinking plenty of water and getting plenty of rest.

  • Cold/Allergies: Tylenol Cold, Zyrtec, Claritin, Benedryl, Robitussin, and Sudafed are all safe in pregnancy. You may also use a cool mist vaporizer and increase your water intake. Saline nasal spray may also be beneficial.

  • Nausea/Vomiting: Eat small, frequent meals and avoid spicy and greasy foods. Eat foods high in carbohydrates and low in fat. Avoid getting your stomach too full during a meal or going too long without eating. Keeping salt-free crackers (such as animal crackers) in your purse and having a couple every few hours may help decrease nausea. Vitamin B6 may also be beneficial for alleviating symptoms.

  • Heartburn: Tums, Maalox, Mylanta, Rolaids, Zantac, Pepcid, and Prilosec are allowed during pregnancy. Avoid eating within 2 hours of going to sleep and elevate your head on multiple pillows to avoid symptoms of acid reflux. Avoid foods which are spicy or greasy. If heartburn continues, try taking Prilosec once per day, even if you are not having symptoms. Avoid Pepto-Bismol as it contains aspirin.

  • Back Pain: Back pain is very common during pregnancy. Tylenol is recommended for back pain as well as rest and the use of a heating pad. You may also want to utilize a chiropractor or massage therapist who specializes in treating pregnant women. "Prenatal Cradles" are support devices for your abdomen and back that can also provide support to reduce back pain. Avoid wearing high heeled shoes and avoid standing in one place for too long. Also avoid turning or twisting the abdomen in ways that may aggravate back pain.

  • Constipation: Be sure to drink plenty of water and get plenty of exercise during pregnancy as constipation is a common occurrence. Fiber supplements, such as Metamucil, Senekot, and Colace stool softeners are also allowed. Be sure to consume foods high in fiber including vegetables, fruits, and whole grain breads and cereals. Avoid laxatives and enemas because they may lead to dehydration.

  • Vitamins: It is important to take a prenatal vitamin during your entire pregnancy. These can be purchased over the counter at the drug store or given by your provider.


What things should I avoid when I am pregnant?

  • Avoid anything containing ibuprofen, and aspirin. Aspirin products include Excedrin, BC powders, and Goody's powders. Ibuprofen is found in Motrin, Aleve, and Advil. Medications such as NyQuil contain alcohol.

  • Avoid any tobacco products. Smoking during pregnancy can cause a low birth weight for your child and increase the risk of miscarriage.

  • Avoid alcohol. Alcohol use in pregnancy can lead to birth defects and deformities. Some medications such as NyQuil contain alcohol.

  • Drinks containing caffeine may be okay during pregnancy in limited amounts, but ask your doctor first.


What if I have symptoms of a yeast or bladder infection?

  • All over-the-counter yeast medications are safe in pregnancy. If the symptoms do not improve, make an appointment with your provider to be evaluated.

  • If a bladder infection or urinary tract infection is suspected, a urine sample will need to be evaluated either at our office or in the emergency room. Antibiotics may be prescribed after this evaluation.


Who will deliver me?

Drs. Cavasin and Nason participate in a call rotation that includes doctors from Bluegrass OB/GYN. During weekday hours, or if you have been scheduled for an induction of labor, Dr. Nason or Dr. Cavasin will available to deliver your baby. However, during weekends and after hours, you will be cared for by the on-call doctor. All of the doctors in our rotation work closely together and we are confident that you are receiving the best possible care at all times.


Where can I deliver?

Deliveries take place at Hendersonville Medical Center. Hendersonville Medical Center has a fourteen bed LDRP labor and delivery unit with a state-of-the-art NICU.


What is mastitis and what should I do if I have symptoms?

Mastitis is an infection in the breast tissue that causes pain, fever, and lumps in the infected breast. Mastitis occurs almost exclusively in women who are breastfeeding.


 Some of the symptoms of mastitis are:

  • pain in the infected breast

  • breast enlargement on one side only

  • breast lump or enlargement on one side only

  • swelling, tenderness, redness, and warmth in the infected breast

  • flu-like symptoms including fever, chills, nausea, and vomiting

  • itching

  • nipple discharge or nipple sensation changes


It is safe to continue breastfeeding if you have mastitis, and you are encouraged to do so or to pump breast milk to relieve breast engorgement during treatment.


Breastfeeding Support

Lactation Support at Hendersonville Medical Center: (615) 338-1710


Pregnancy Links

ACOG Pregnancy

Estimated Delivery Date Calculator

Kick Counts


© 2021 by Hendersonville Obstetrics and Gynecology

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